The way I work

I aim to be non obtrusive, and lead only when necessary. There are times where direction is required. I am meticulous with pre planning, so that the day goes smoothly. 

Ask any photographer, what the most annoying comment they get is...'Wow, nice camera, must take great photos!'

It takes years of training, practice, and most of all passion, to know how to handle all kinds of lighting situations, angles, skin tones, the list goes on. Once that stage has been reached, the art kicks in truly. No longer constrained by technical limitations, timeless art can be created. I am happy and honoured to create art that my Brides and their families cherish. That look. The happy tears. It really is amazing. 


The day itself

In terms of the day itself, there is a lot of forward planning, so the day goes as smoothly as possible. I liaise with the venue, and visit prior if it is a new venue, to get an idea of ideal spots, the lighting and if any specialist equipment is required.

In terms of the day itself, I take unlimited shots. I do not cap. But, importantly, I shoot selectively. I aim to get great photos. Not a huge number. It is very easy to continually hold the shutter down all day. But in that process, the creativity dwindles. 

So, I couldn't tell you how many photos you will get. It will be ample. And hopefully they will be memorable