My first steps when approaching a client is that of open communication, story boarding a conclusive aim + establishing a vision. Brainstorming.
We would then cross analyse market trends, customer reach + what would make their product unique. The next phase is the most important: prototypes + critical appraisal which allows for the perfect final product.
No matter how brilliant your product, it is essentially worthless if you haven’t got the correct branding proposal for it. Understanding a client’s key thought, market trends, customers’ desires + the overall aims is a holistic approach. The importance of collaboration + strategic planning is equally crucial in the design process.
to keep it simple, i am in love with design
I relish design + creativity as a whole family of elements, but the component that fascinates me the most is that of creative psychology. Behavioural Economics, a topic that I have great love for, is an essential part of this practice + business strategy. The subtlety of this process of which can lead to a paradigm shift in people’s reactions + choices truly excites me.